
Darren Jekel’s life can be summed up with five digit numbers: the zip codes of the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2013, he began painting this land he knows best- the chaparral and oak savanna, the rocky serpentine soil, the rolling hills brightly lit under Mediterranean blue. Jekel has let go of the ironic, cynical narrative of neo-expressionism and has replaced it with meta-modern earnestness. A survivor of the infamous ‘Valley Fire’, his home still standing after the blackened landscape cooled, he is now exploring the new life that has grown in its wake- living on many levels in a fire adapted landscape of rebirth. He's using charcoal while painting the rhyming lines of sinuous hills and sensuous figures. Darren Jekel's painting has an existential power and provides a new perspective on “mother” nature.

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This website serves as a gallery and a portfolio inventory of my paintings and drawings for sale. They can be purchased conveniently through online galleries, but it may be preferable to negotiate with me directly by using my contact form. You can visit my studio in the famous Napa Vallery wine region north of San Fransisco.